- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003
4:19 P.M.

Kitty wants a copy of the �Butterfly� song that is on the cd that my favorite hostess made for me.

�Butterfly� is a strange song that you find yourself singing at the most inappropriate time. I've uttered lyrics from the song in the shower, in the car, in the frozen food section of the grocery store, walking along the beach alone and while walking cocktails back to tables from the bar.

I remember the first time I heard the song. I was listening to my cd diskman while walking to the security check in the Tampa International Airport.

I started dancing uncontrollably, and flailing my arms all about, and over my head.

After I cleared the security check I danced all the way until we found our seats to wait for our flight in the terminal. My mom started to get annoyed and she tried to pin down my flailing arms to my side.

I took out my cheerio�s and started eating. When I started dancing again my mom knocked my elbow and the cheerio�s went flying over my head. The dry cereal made it�s way down to the ground and popped some poor sleeping man in the forehead. He turned around and looked like he would bitch slap my mom for waking his slumber.

I felt bad, but I made my exit to the bathroom. I danced my way back from the bathroom and noticed that mom may have had a glimpse of my tattoo, so I brought it out into the open.

�Hey mom, look what I got!�

She smirked, and my dad made a face of shock and astonishment.

After my tattoo was out in the open, I felt a new sense of freedom, inspiring another dance to the �Butterfly� song. This time when I danced dad joined in and my mom hit a new level of agitation.


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