- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003
5:28 P.M.

Heidi called today to let me know that it's not too late to be a movie star....

Ok, sweet!

"Kelly, Dan is having me send his picture to an egency for a casting call. They are looking for extras in a movie that is being filmed locally. You would be perfect! Listen, you HAVE to do this. Go get a picture of yourself and write down some information on the back of the photo. You'll need to include your name, age, height, weight, home address, phone number, hair color, availability, and your information about your car if you want them to use it in the film. You will also need to list any of your "special skills."

Special skills?

What are my special skills?

I don't speak a foreign language, and that is always the first thing to pop in my mind when someone asks me what my skills are.

Can I list waitressing, writing, dancing, or looks cute in a bikini?

Those aren't skills.

Crap! I'm totally lost!

I wonder if they will throw out my photo if I don't list some special skills?

I went ahead and sent in most of the information the agency asked for. So now I'll wait home and cross my fingers.

I tried so hard to think of just one quality or skill that made me stand out from others and I've hit a road block. Until I can find the qualities that make me special, you won�t find any of my belongings in a hall of fame.

I may never be a movie star, but it was worth a shot.

***The world may be a box of chocolates, but it doesn't matter when you're a jelly donut!*** K.T.

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