- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jul. 11, 2003
7:58 P.M.

Once again, please excuse any spelling errors. I am still on vacation, and I'm in a heck of a rush to get this entry caught up in the database.

Today was great, even for someone who hates shopping.

We went to Long Grove Shopping Center, somewhere outside of Chicago.

When Cathy told me that we would be going shopping in a "Historical District", I was thinking something along the lines of Hyde Park.

Hyde Park looks old and historic, but the shopes are new and hip.

We drove up to this "Historic Shopping District" on an old brick road. I should have known there were no shoppes that I would recognize right off the bat.

Most of the shoppes were truly older than any shopping area I had ever seen. The mall was filled with bakeries, cand yshoppes and old antique shoppes.

The weather was so perfect. We spent a lot of time walking around. Colleen, Julia and I ended up buying similar Irish clauder rings to symbolize our families Irish history. (My moms' entire family is full of strict, happy, Irish, Catholics)

We ate lunch at a quaint cafe' on the lake. The food up here is so damn good. I must say that those who told me to eat as much as I can, you guys were right. I can't stop eating. The food here rocks! I had the best club sandwich in the history of club sandwiches!


Cathy was so generous. She picked up the tab for lunch and bought all of the girls these cute make up bags.

I don't wear a lot of make-up, but it's the thought that counts. She is so sweet. I wish I could have come up to meet my mom's cousins sooner. Everyone up here seems so nice.

I forgot to mention. Yesterday we hit the Lincoln Park Zoo. It's smells just like any other zoo on the face of the earth, but it has a wonderful view of the city.

Tonight we are going out to dinner and then to see Cathy's son play at a small bar called Flat Landers.

I'm pretty excited.

I also got to meet aunt Kate last night. She is so sweet and full of insight. She's amazing. She's one of the shortest women I have ever met.

Aunt Kate has over 30 grand children. HOLY COW!

I was amazed when I heard about moms family, she has at least 13 cousins, JUST FROM AUNT KATE!


So far, I love the people I have met..

I'm going to make a point of sending "Thank You" cards up to everyone after I go home.

Time is running short so I'd better get cleaned up.

Oh, I almost forgot, I'd better finish off those chocolate covered berries from the convection candy store before they melt....

I'm signing off for now, and hopefully I will have a chance to post again before bed tonight....

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