- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Jul. 07, 2003
11:31 P.M.

I really do wish I could win the lotto already.

I don�t think I�ve had more than 400 bux in my bank account for well over a year.

Maybe I should consider a new line of work?

I swear, my grandma must think I�m made of money.

I�m not a million bagillionaire; so stop calling my cell phone for no reason.

Don�t call me to sell something, to complain, or just because you are bored.

Just as bad, don�t call my damn cell phone to talk to someone else in the background!

I�m not paying for your boredom!

I�ve had it!

I shut off my phone for 10 minutes and somehow still received 8 messages from people telling me to call them back.

I call back as if it�s an emergency, and they go on forever, and ever, and ever and ever� about what?


Do the world a favor and think about what you are going to say before you reach out, reach out and touch someone!

I know I�ll probably be eating my own words come Thursday. I�m going to be so bored just sitting in my hotel room out in the middle of NO WHERE!

I had planned on a vacation filled with Chicago, and a sprinkle of family fun but my plans are foiled.

It has completely been turned around. I�m headed to the back woods of Illinois for a heaping helping of family feud, and a dash of the city ZOO.


I�m not really a zoo person. I don�t really care about watching animals in cages. None of them look like they even want to be there, and the feeling is contagious. I haven�t been into the zoo since I was about 13, and even then I wasn�t so psyched up about it.

Maybe the Zoo will be closed. Maybe some twist of fate will close the zoo so we can go see the art museum instead...


The only fun I ever had at the zoo was in 7th grade. We took a field trip to the zoo and spent the majority of the time watching monkeys mimic everything we did. Some how Eric coxed the monkeys into flailing poop at our teacher. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

The monkeys learned quite a bit from our class that day. As our teacher escorted us away from the monkeys, they jumped in excitement while flipping us the bird!

Those monkeys are pretty smart!

The more I think about it, I wonder if they already knew how to do all of that stuff. There's only a slim chance that we were the first to ever think of teaching monkeys to be crude. They seemed to pick up on our gestures almost too quickly, as if they had been run through the same routine drill hundreds of times before.


Maybe I should just get over my intentions to see the city.

Do I even have a right to be bitter about not seeing what I ventured out to see?

From listening to what my mom says about the city, it doesn't sound like I'll make it there...

I should suck it up and just settle for teaching monkeys to fling poop, or flip cutesy tourists the bird.

ha, ha....

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