- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jul. 03, 2003
1:06 A.M.

I came home from the movies tonight to find my dad still awake. It's late, but dad is in the living room sitting in front of his computer playing solitaire in his underwear.


Kitty and I went to go see Terminator 3 tonight.

I wasn't even aware that it was released, but I didn't leave disappointed.

It was great to see Claire Daines acting in a big movie again.


I used to love Terminator 2.

I remember when Chrissy and I went to go see the 2nd Terminator. I was only 13 and my parents told me that I couldn't see it because it was way too violent.

Chrissy's uncle snuck us in for the sneak preview show, and I went back to see it at least 4 times in the theater.

Terminator 2 was also one of the first videos I ever purchased. For a while there I could recite any line at any given point of the movie.

I must have been obsessed.

It seems like so long ago, way back when I had decorated my walls with guys like Christian Slater, Nirvana, and Edward Furlong. What ever happened to Eddy? Did he just fall of the face of the earth?


The movie tonight was much better than expected. I think that the 2nd one is still my favorite, but the 3rd movie had a few really funny one liners.

At the end of the movie they leave you hanging. I don't want to wait another 10 years to see the next movie. Arnold is getting older and I just don't think the movie will have the same feel if Arnold is in a wheel chair, or chasing down the bad guys with a walking stick.

I don't know why, but it's movies like these that get me thinking.

As we walked out of the theater I was so deep in thought that I had forgotten to be hungry, and my body felt more tired than anything else....


I'm home now, working with Kitty, going over new features on my site layout.

Sure I'm hungry, I haven't eaten dinner but I'm not sure what I'm hungry for.

I'm hungry, but I still can't turn my brain off...


I probably won't sleep very well.

I wonder if Kitty has recognized how messed up my eyes have been. He spends a lot of time focusing on my eyes, but does he even notice how they are big and puffy with dark black circles under them. I have had little rest in the past few weeks and my whole body is starting to show the wear and tear. My posture is slacking and my eyes are dark and puffy.

For some reason I just can't seem to escape the nightmares long enough to even catch a simple cat nap.

Maybe if I had someone next to me, I could find peace?


Well I won't be catching any z's with Kitty. He's leaving for New York this weekend, and when he returns, I'm off to Chi-Town...


Tomorrow is Ryans party at the park. I'll pick heidi up around 11 and we'll meet up with Lauren at aboooot noon.


Well, I'm off to bed for the night....

Good Nigh Moon...

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