- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Jun. 30, 2003
12:27 A.M.


Did he just say that out loud?

He must be drunk.

He was drunk to say the least....He was a total ass

My last table was a bear. I wanted to cry. This man was relentless. He tried to pry into my private life and I dodged most of his comments. When I told him I had no interest in a boyfriend, he tried to convince me otherwise.... I just wanted to take his order and get him out of the restaurant already. He asked me to be his "part time girlfriend" at least a dozen times. He was actually one of the most annoying customers I have ever had. He just kept on keeping on. IN FRONT OF HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!

What the hell is that?

I was headed straight for a brick wall and there was nothing I could do about anything at all�.

It wasn�t just one table. I swear that every single table except two of them were TOTAL ass holes!!

Is it my pants? Did I wash them in Windex? Every man in this place feels that he could see himself in my pants�.

What the hell is going on?

But then again, maybe that is every restaurant in every city. Everyone has days like these. It just seems that nearly every time I feel like I�ve ALMOST been settled in a new position something has to come and knock me down..

The night seemed like it would never end. There were so many things that went wrong but the worst part was the fact that the owners were hanging out all night. The owners of the restaurant lingered like an uncomfortable silence that you couldn't escape.

I wanted to hide underneath a table somewhere, anywhere....

I remember at one point during the night looking over at Brad and I knew his night was as bad as mine. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, yet I wanted to help the other servers get out of the weeds at the same time. I hate the feeling of being torn like that. I need to let go of some of this compassion crap. It's just going to make things worse....

I remember feeling like I would go nuts. I was thinking of lyrics to one of my favorite Ani songs in the back on my mind.

I thought about a song where she sings,

�Be careful getting coffee. I think these people want to shoot us! Maybe there�s some kind of local competition here, to see who can be the rudest��

Maybe it was all just a bad dream? Maybe we were all just stuck in the twilight zone. I had brain farts all night long. (BEAUTIFUL!). I busted my butt all day with a migraine and I felt as if my brain would totally give out on me at any moment...

It was comparable to chinese water torture. Too many things went wrong. I could have never predicted such a bad night. Every time I walked into that damn dinning room I was thinking, �I wish I could put a bucket over my head, and a marshmallow in each ear!!�

Lesson for the day, "DOUBLES SUCK!!! Note to self: I hate working doubles! Request Sundays off in the future!!!!!"

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