- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jun. 20, 2003
10:23 P.M.

Worked all day... When I say all day, I mean all damn day man.

It was crazy.

I picked up a hostess shift and then went straight to babysit.

I took the kids out for dinner at Carrabas and they seemed to have a great time.

I found it rather surreal how so many people paid us so much attention tonight. It was cool to see Joe, he's a really nice guy but Vinny? What the heck, how many times is that kid going to change his name already....

Vinny came up to the table trying to strike up some small talk, as if he could give two sh*ts what I've been up to for the last couple of years.

I can't say that the Vinny at Carrabas is "VINNY", the love of my life. The guy at Carrabas is just "ordinary" Vinny who wants to be "hyped up" anyone, because hell, he used to have everyone call him by Mikey...(He was Mikey, now he's Vinny)

I liked Mikey better, it fit him well and the name MIKEY had less of a negative context attached to it. It made him appear almost half innocent. He's a nut, and can't be trusted.

At first I had no clue why I stopped talking to him but I'm sure as soon as it comes back to me I'll wake up wanting to pour ice cold water down his shorts....

Oh, I remember, he was a burn out with too many excuses. He's another one of those guys who runs late all the time, but it's NEVER his fault. I couldn't keep up with all of the lies he told and I didn't bother to remember most of them.... One day I just up and stopped returning his calls....

Enough about lamo complaints about guys, I'm here now in front of a computer that I can't honestly say is my own. I wish I were sleeping at home with my dog, in my own bed....

For now I'll settle for this, as it has become my second home.

These kids are leaving for about a month. It sucks that I won't be seeing the kids as much..

Well all is well, I am still sick and I still have to work the rest of the weekend....

I'm off to bed in hopes that I can wake up tomorrow feeling like a ray of gleaming sunshine....

ha, ha.....

God, please send me a miracle....


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