- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003
11:04 A.M.

I had a nightmare. My friends were all acting like bratty little kids and it was pissing me off.

It got me to thinking about my friends who have grown but still act like little children more than they act like adults. They never bothered to learn any manners.

Sometimes they drive me nuts! Why am I so completely grossed out by my friends/acquaintances who have NO manners? There are only a few select friends without manners so maybe to avoid the embarrassment I'll just spend more time with the ones who care a little bit more about their appearance.

I remember a few years ago. I wanted to hang out so badly with Craig that I paid no attention to the fact that he was an ignorant red neck. He ended up almost getting arrested for peeing on the pier in front of little kids. Sometimes that�s what it takes to make me realize, �This may be going no where.�

I've never been one to care too much about what other people think, but that is after normal standards are somewhat met.

Some of my friends never took the time to learn manners when they were growing up and now on some occasions it's embarrassing to be with them. They don't even care. So not only do they have no manners, they have NO respect for the company they keep.

For instance one may, show their lack of manners or respect by doing any of the following, OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Every single time we go out.

1. Burp very loudly over and over, and not excuse themself.

2. Scream your name across a very nice restaurant.

3. Chew and talk with their mouth WIDE-open letting food fall down upon their plate.

4. Double dip in the salsa dip, cheese dip, marinara sauce, fondue pot, etc..

5. Fart loudly and say, "yeah, that's a good one!"

6. Constantly ask to borrow money to pay their bills, while they spend most of their money on needles crap.

7. Come over unannounced to eat the food you just bought with your last 10-dollar bill.

8. Wear their dirty shoes into your room, just to take them off and shake them out onto your clean sheets.

9. Ask to borrow clothing, music, and keeping it for weeks, with no real intention of returning it until you back them into a corner asking for it back.

10. When you invite them out they talk on their cell phone the entire car ride wherever you are going....

Ok, I figure a top ten list is good enough for now. I have to get to class anyways...

I bitch. Sure I bitch, and it's not like we've never addressed these things. My friends just don't care.

There are a few most common responses. For example, "It's a guy thing, get used to it."

Or, "Hey we're family, you can't choose your family".


"We're like best friends, you used to act the same way in elementary school. Since when did you grow up? Why do you care how I act in public?"

So until they learn common decency on their own, I'm hanging out with people who do have manners, or I'm flying solo.

I needed some alone time anyway.

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