- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003
5:40 P.M.

I had a dream I was in an old house.

Everything smelled like freesia and fresh rain.

It was an old house with wooden floors, but there was no dust. There was a lot of OPEN space and lots of windows but no one came close enough to the house to look inside.

There was a huge yard around the house...

I was walking around the house totally comfortable with the fact that I was naked, but yet wondering if I was the only one in the house.

There was art on the walls, and familiar faces of celebrities in each frame on the mantle but no pictures of anyone I knew personally.

There was old furniture covered in white cotton sheets and a bed in one of the larger room rooms.

All of the rooms had white linen curtains around the windows. I walked up to a window and I could see by the dark clouds building outside, that it was about to rain....

The living room looked like it hadn't been completely unpacked just yet. There was furniture that looked like it had just been thrown in the room and boxes pushed up against one of the walls behind a queen amadalla cardboard cut out.

(I guess he likes Star Wars?)

I went into the big room and laid down on the bed. I heard people talking and noticed that the voices sounded like they were getting closer to the house.

I looked around the room trying to find clothing but none of it was mine. All of the clothing spread out on the floor was men's clothing.

I put on a button up shirt and a pair of khakis, along with a pair of berks that appeared to be my size.

I got dressed just in time and saw some familiar faces of my friends and acquaintances walk through the front door.

No one was surprised that I was there. In fact they had come to see me. I was a bit confused myself. Although I felt comfortable being where I was, I wasn't sure it was the house I had assumed it to be.

One of my friends asked, "So is it everything you thought it would be? What's it like to live with the smartest man on the planet?"

I started thinking to myself, "Why would I be in his house?" "Where are my clothes?"

Then I sat on the couch.

I realized that even though I was in a new place, I was completely comfortable and I had never felt MORE AT HOME...

I woke up thinking...

WOAH! What the hell did that mean?

I'm hungry and I think I'll go out for a bite.

I'm tired of looking at these same four walls...

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