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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jun. 13, 2003
10:17 P.M.

I've been thinking a bit about summers and how they seem to change me as a person each year.

It seems that each summer that I travel I meet someone who inspires me.

This summer I have plans to go to Chicago for a family reunion and have very little faith in finding inspiration on a family trip.

The only sure thing I can bet on is that my parents will drive me nuts!

I went to the web site today that is totally dedicated to explaining the planned events for the week of the reunion.

I'm excited to see my cousins and I have no clue what to expect from my moms cousins. I'm hoping they are NOTHING like my mom.

I wish I could see some of my friends from up north while I'm there. It would be nice to even see them for a few hours or a quick dinner. I miss them all so much.

Zach wrote and said he may be in Chicago durring the same time that I'll be up there. It's still up in the air so I'm not counting on it.

I have a million and one things running through my mind right now.

Most of all I wonder what makes vacation so special?

Why am I more open minded and more detached when I travel away from home?

I look back and the last two summers were so wonderful. I had the time of my life....

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