- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Jun. 08, 2003
2:13 A.M.

I went to his site again tonight, to reread that letter.

The words on the page sound so familiar...

He wrote a letter that is so passionate that it makes me want to cry.

He captures so much emotion, so much passion....

The letter still reminds me of the letter I never received from that red neck asshole so long ago...

I threw out the yellow roses he gave me months ago because looking at them made me want to PUKE!

I think back to the last time we talked when he no longer referred to me as, "Hey beautiful".

I thought that he would be around forever. I thought our friendship could stand the test of time, and anything else that got in the way. But he changed his tone. "Hey beautiful" eventually turned into, "hey punk what do you want?" and I had to let it go.

Is anything for keeps?

Does anything last?

After time goes by does everything tarnish?

Do I have any control over any relationships in my life.

No really, I�m defective.

I�m a relationship leper.

What do guys even see in me anyway?

I have been thinking so much about this lately.

Just tonight I had at least 3 separate tables that were celebrating their anniversary at the restaurant...

I silently wonder, "What makes a good thing last?"

I think back to that conversation Ryan had with the elderly couple at the dance club. They told him that the only thing that kept them together so long was dancing and their common interests...

I haven�t met many men who enjoy dancing, so I guess I�m pretty much screwed�

Do I have enough common interests with any one person on this planet to make a relationship last 10, 20, or maybe 50 years?

Will I ever have what it takes?

Is love enough to make something last forever?

What is love anyway?

It's getting late, and I guess I should sleep, but I have a million thoughts running through my head at light speed.

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