- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jun. 06, 2003
4:46 P.M.

Kitty just called me with the latest news...

They are having a hay day with his nick name at work...

They have gone as far as to change his name in the computer to "Fluffy Kitty". HEY! How do you say THAT in FRENCH?.... According to Ding Dong, you don't...

Chris also went on to mention that there is a rumor spreading that Kitty and I are dating...

Well, well....

That is one thing ya don't do.

Don't bring your personal life into work.

I'll have to think up some sort of clever come back line when my boss approaches me with the big question... "Are you dating, "The Fluffy Kitty Kelly?"

Um, no..

I'm getting married in 2 months. I can't date a Kitty if I'm to marry Ben Affleck....

Think, think, think, distraction, I'll point over his shoulder yelling, "Hey look, is that Michael Jackson sitting with Dennis Rodman in the back of the restaurant?"

Then I make my escape and scurry off into another area of the restaurant...

One of my bosses is sure to corner me again. I have at least 3 bosses with plenty of free time on their hands, so maybe I should say something a bit more witty.

Oh look..., here comes another French man. He will say, "Kelly, do you have a boyfriend?"

Um, no. I don't believe in having a boyfriend. It goes against my religion, Kellyism. (Ok, my boss Leron is French, so perhaps a comment like that would confuse him enough so he wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the night)

Then there is Carlos. He says, "Kelly, I know you and The Fluffy Kitty are dating."

Carlos! Did you just call me a lesbian? Who told you that? Chris?

Silly man, I'm into men...

Hey, do you think it's true that Chris really slept with Liv Tyler and Madonna at the Playboy mansion, on New Years Eve? ...."

Blamo! The new rumors take the place of the old ones.....They are off my back for all of 45 minutes while the restaurant goes into a rush....

But once the the distracting pictures I have painted fade, they are back at it again, like stink on shit...

Man am I glad that I only work 2 days this week...

If I have to battle rumors at work, I'm not sure how long Kitty and I will last...

I'm not going to play that game.

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