- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, May. 28, 2003
8:46 P.M.

Kitty hates Eminem..

Last night when I went to his house he refused to watch, "8 Mile."

Ok, I want to see it. I want to see what all the hype is about, and I want to see if Eminem can act. I didn�t see the movie in the theater because I didn�t have the money or the time�

Kitty may never understand why I like Eminem.

Kitty is still overwhelmed with mystery when he mentions Pink Floyd and I gag.

He would like me to explain why I loathe Pink Floyd SO MUCH.

I guess I've always hated Pink Floyds music but at one point in my life I tolerated it.

In high school I hung out with a lot of stoners and burnouts. They loved Pink Floyd, and The Grateful Dead, among other music.

I could relate to loving such bands as Pearl Jam, Bush, Nirvana, Metallica, Cranberries, and Aerosmith, so for a short time I tolerated all the other crap/music that they listened to. They didn't base their love of music on much more than, "Hey it sounds cool when you're stoned....."

My love for music was much more. I listened to lyrics, guitar riffs, and drumbeats that would hypnotize my soul...

There were times where I would be listening to music and think, "Damn, I wish I would have said that. I can totally relate!"

When I realized that my so called friends who played Pink Floyd as their anthem and dedication to life were really fake, It made it easier to openly despise the music of Pink Floyd. Those assfaces were not friends at all. Those people I once called friends, sailed me down the river faster than you could say mac n cheese...


There is SO much more to this lamo story but it�s really not worth my time� So part of Kitty�s wonder can be laid to rest�

But then again, I can't honestly say that I've always LOVED Eminem.

The first time I heard that song, "My Name Is," I wanted to puke...

Then shortly there after that song was on every station every few minutes. It drove me nuts!

It was like hearing The Spice Girls, or that Macarena song..


The very day after I first saw him on TV I went out to buy the album to see what all the hype was about and .... I loved it.

I listened to what he had to say and I had respect for the fact that he had the balls to say some of the things he said.

He spoke about anger I could only feel or think about at times, because me speaking about it would get me put in a padded room with a plastic spoon.

It was raw, angry bitter music all the way to the core but it had so much emotion and fuel to its fire and spark. It filled me with rage, and then a few tracks later made me laugh until I was blue in the face.

One thing I never did... I never took much of what he said seriously... I never took it personally and I felt sympathy for those who did.

I�ve written and said things myself that are sarcastic and mean, but I never meant to hurt anyone.

I hope I never hurt the masses as he was able to. There are a few times where he put his foot in his mouth and I actually felt a little bad for him. I�ve said things and had people take them the wrong way, and then they reinforce their anger getting other people involved.

It sucks�

Ok, so he�s not Einstein, he�s no Pulitzer Prize winner, but I'm sure he's charming when he wants to be.�No one is loved by everyone� I write a lot of poetry that rhymes, and hearing his stuff, it inspires me because he makes things rhyme that normally wouldn't...

Music�. That is one thing that Kitty and I may never agree on..I openly loathe Pink Floyd and I probably always will.

If I didn't previously hate Pink Floyd so much I wouldn't say it was loathing, I would say that it was just a bad attitude towards Pink Floyds music....but now I'm pretty sure, I LOATHE THEIR MUSIC!

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