- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, May. 28, 2003
4:03 P.M.

Went to Ruby's with Kitty for lunch.

Ironically he brought up marriage, as I must have been thinking about it last night.

I had strange dreams about it again, but it was a dream I have had before.

I was at a park, Gina was there and she was telling me why it is important to follow through with marriage. She was telling me how it was the chapter in my life that would change everything forever�

I saw her brother�s screen name online earlier today.

I messaged him but I'm not so sure that I'd honestly like to talk to him.

I'm pretty sure that any conversation with him would be superficial or fake because he told his sister that he was hurt pretty badly... and since then, he takes nothing I say seriously.

We were friends but I haven�t heard anything about him for a few years now�

Today Kitty asked how often a girl SHOULD get flowers...

How am I supposed to know?

Most of the times I had received flowers I didn't expect them. I was always surprised.

Even when I received them twice a week for no apparent reason, I was surprised.

There is just something about flowers that is nice.

But Kitty went all out; he sent the biggest and best bouquet I have ever seen.

It was more beautiful than anything I could have even imagined...

I buy flowers for myself every chance I get, I don't put the choice to buy them on a timeline.

I just do it...


As for marriage. Sure the idea freaks me out... And Kitty has no intent of getting married to me. It's all a joke to him.... That's fine.

As a kid I always thought I would be married by now. But I based that thought on wanting to be married for 50+ years like my grandparents.

I look at my life today. I didn't want to get married right now anyway...


I'm sitting here trying my best NOT to take any more benadryl...

My allergies are pretty bad, but I have class in an hour and I don't want my brain to feel all mushy while I'm taking my class.

Every time I take benadryl I feel out of it, and my brain feels like a marshmallow...

I'm sleepy enough already...


In other news...

Dad is home from court. Finally...

My aunt has lost her license for 10 years and she goes back to court again tomorrow to decide the rest of her sentencing.

Dad is a wreck.

I wish I could stay home with him tonight to distract him from life. I could take him to a movie, or rent a DVD, but I don't think that is going to help him forget that his sister�s life is going down the toilet.

I walked out to check on my dad to make sure he�ll be alright while I�m in class. He�s pretty upset.

I hate to see him like this.

I asked him how his day was and he looked like he would cry.

I�m not leaving for class until mom gets home from work�

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