- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, May. 25, 2003
4:28 P.M.

I snuck away to the pool for a few hours.

I turned off my phone trying to escape the BUZZ of daily life.

Little did I know that the pool was going to be FILLED with OLD BITTY�S

Yes, BITTER older women with way too much time on their hands. They sneered as I walked through the gate and whispered at first.

I had no clue our neighborhood had problems.

Nor did I ever care.

After I had been lying on my raft for about 20 minutes the game was back on.

They started discussing the security of the pool area, how they want to put a more secure gate around our neighborhood where you will have to have a code or a key to enter.

One woman said, "I think we should get a sign that says NO TRESPASSING!"

yeah, that would solve your problems...

c'mon lady...

Not only did they complain, They were chalked full of gossip about everyone who lived in the neighbor hood.

So and so, has too many dogs, and his neighbor has too many cars, Miss such and such, has too many boyfriends, and Mr. Ya-dee-dah, parties way too often.

This old woman went on a rant for about 20 minutes before another one chimed in and said, ok, so what is the real problem here.

I just laughed inside.

Sure our neighborhood has issues with someone vandalizing the pool area, but their ideas about security are unrealistic. All we need next is false security so these woman have EVEN MORE THINGS to complain about.....

Apparently someone has come in and broken some lounge chairs and left graffiti on the bathroom walls, but no one is hurt. These things can be replaced.

I don�t think a big expensive security system is going to do anything if people like me aren�t even aware that there is a problem.

I figure it can be fixed by something as simple as making people more aware, and volunteering.

I think that if these old bitties have so much free time to complain about issues they have no control over they should spend their time more wisely. If they weren�t so busy sitting out in their front porch watching so and so, and mister La-Dee-Dah, they could go over and chill in the pool area and do some good.

No one knows for sure that this stuff is happening at night because no one really goes over during the daytime.

These old farts live so close to the pool yet they don�t hear anything, or see anything.

They have plenty of time to complain. Why don�t they just give up an hour or so where they would be watching Opra, to go monitor the pool area?

These people are nuts!

Speaking of nuts, my aunt still won't be attending her birthday dinner tonight. She's chosen to go out and get hammered with her SO CALLED BOYFRIEND who treats her like Crap!

I'm going to go get cleaned up for dinner...

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