- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, May. 19, 2003
7:52 P.M.

Today has pretty much been a day from hell.

Why not just top it off with an evening from hell...

I woke up feeling frustrated that I couldn't go see Kitty.

I felt like shit all night from my allergies. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't sleep, and it sucks.

I'm so frustrated.

It seems now today that I saw him I was still so frustrated about NOT seeing him that I didn't enjoy the time we were hanging out.

I'm sure he picked up on my agitated vibes when I called him lazy, and basically ignorant for not filing his taxes on time.

I wasn't even mad at HIM.

I'm just angry at everything today...

Ok, that makes no sense. But it sucks.

I came home to prep. For class and I drove to Clearwater.

I went into the room where my science class is supposed to take place and I realized I was in a Biology class that started at 4.

Ok, I was lost.

I quietly stood up and left.


My class tonight was in TARPON!!

So I had to high tail it to the other campus and I almost got in 2 accidents on the way there.

I got into class 45 min. late, which is pretty much GOOD FOR NOTHING!

By the time I got to class the teacher had decided to take a break.

The soda machine ate my 5-dollar bill and I was so thirsty...

With a sudden mood swing, thirsty immediately turned to pissed off...

Normally I wouldn't be so agitated by this, but today has been one thing right after another...

I went back to class and realized my brain was still on another planet.

I was totally lost...

Maybe the teacher was speaking GREEK?


I just wasn't there..

I was still agitated.

I got in the car, drove home, and when I got here mom decided to deliberately order dinner from a place I can't stand so now the house smells like SH*T!!

I've lost my appetite, but I'm starving, and there is nothing to cook.

I'm so strapped for cash, and I'm too angry to hang out with anyone right now..

There is only one explanation for this pent up frustration...


I'm probably going to get my period.


Some Fun!!



I just found that my dog ate another pair of my f*cking panties�


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