- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, May. 05, 2003
11:48 P.M.

Today I became a number.

I started a new job in a corporate expensive restaurant where the average tab runs well over sixty bux.

I was trained to set up dishes and how to identify and describe them.

Not much fun, Stressful actually.

My face hurts. My throat is still tight and I can't sleep.

I work with a wide variety of people and I only know of a few people there who speak English as their native tongue.

I've never done well communicating with people who speak other languages, so now is as good as any time to start. I'm on my way.

I really hope things work out. I want to bust my butt to learn everything about this place so I can become their number one employee.

It matters to me. I want to be the best at something and why not be the best server. Maybe I just want to be the best to prove Dan wrong. I want to prove to him that I'm not a nobody, that I CAN do this. I am in it for the long haul, and I don't WANT to give up yet.

The night was a night to remember, but I'm too tired to type it all out. There were a few highlights of the night.

Number one, trying hard not to laugh at my boss's strong accents.

Number two, eating the soybean that made my throat close up.

Yup, I said soy....

I'm allergic to soy. It gives me the hives and makes my throat close up so I can't breathe. So, I won't be trying much on the menu if it follows soy standards...

Tonight after work I met up with Rick and some of his friends at Beniganns (Did I spell that right? Probably not)

As soon as I got out of my car some drunken guy threw part of his phone at me and used it as an excuse to talk to me.

"Hey girl, can you toss that over to me, I seemed to have dropped it."

I tossed him his broken phone. He went on to try to hit on me but I just walked away. He followed me over to the bench where my friends were sitting. He tried to lay a few lines on me when Rick stepped in to say he was my boyfriend.

(Thank you RICK!)

The guy eventually went away after causing much embarrassment on my part...

Thanks a lot drunk guy.

I'll never live that one down.

I also met some of his other friends. He does know some cute guys.

Oh nevermind.

I didn't stay more than 20 minutes and now I'm at home. I should study the new menu.

Ok, I will. I will study this menu before bed, and then again tomorrow...

On a lighter note. I didn't talk about sex, not one time in this diary entry.... How cool is that....

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