- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, May. 03, 2003
12:07 P.M.

He's trying to figure out whether I'm an E or an I.


I've always been an E. I'm pretty sure I've always been an E.

I'm the one who hosts the parties with a group of friends in every circle or corner of the world...

I know a wide variety of different kinds of people. Just look at my Christmas party each year. Everyone leaves my house with more friends every December...

Last night we got to talking about high school.

It got me to thinking about my old friends...

Where are you guys?

My old cliques of friends are lost somewhere within the great oblivion...Never to be seen or heard from again.

If my friends aren't married with kids, they live a million miles away.

Talk about a million miles away. I had a dream about Zach last night. Who knows why I still dream about the guy, who knows why I still bother to care what the kid is up to.

It's after noon, I want to hit the beach but I had to take benadryl for my allergies. It turns out I woke up and my eyes were all puffy from the smoke and ash from last nights campfire.

I'm hoping today is going to be a bit more productive than the past few days....

I've done so much in the last few days but I have been ignoring the important things too.

I have laundry piled up on my bed. I need to wash my sheets, I need to take that defensive driving coarse from Blockbuster, and I need to sit down and start writing this next book.....

I was up so late last night, feeling so inspired to do anything. I think the doctor is a great mentor/motivator and I see why everyone has so much affinity for him, he's a great guy....

Ok, ok, I'm going to get my suit on. Screw this benadryl crap! I'm going to put my suit on, pop some of the new Peter Yorn into my diskman, and I'm going to do "something" today.... Even if I'm just sitting around doing "nothing"..

I really want to see Pete Yorn when he comes to town. I had asked Troy to see Pete Yorn with me, and at first he seemed interested but now he's so focused on getting out of Dodge that I don't hear from him...

I still miss Troy when I hear Pete Yorn.. The newest CD is great...

Ok. I'm rambling.....I MUST get away from this box!.....


I found my old Meyers Briggs test.

I took this test a few years ago in college.

It says� I�m a ESFJ

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