- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003
6:32 P.M.

Right now at this moment, I could win a Jay Z look alike contest.... CHECK OUT THIS FAT LIP!

oh c'mon....

Let's talk about something else for a while....

Tonic is coming...

Not to Tampa, but to West Palm Beach. Matt is pretty certain that he can get tickets from Pike, but the show is on a Friday, and I work on Fridays....

I have never hated Fridays so much in my entire life!

So I guess I should ditch the fantasy of driving out to West Palm to see my favorite band.

I was actually impressed when Matt said, "I LOVE TONIC!"

He meant it.

He wasn't just saying it as a poor attempt to get in my pants...

I think he's given up all effort to impress me now.

He is finally bored....

Hell, look at me, I didn't last 2 weeks.... Ha, Ha...


On the subject of Fridays�.

Gabriel called today to let me know that he WILL be able to go to the cocktail party after all. I figure taking a guy with great style sense is a perfect idea. He dresses better than anyone else I know, and Amy will really dig that�

Then again, Gabriel IS a Gemini, and they change their mind more often than my dog sniffs her own butt.


Kitty quoted my favorite movie just a moment ago... Go KITTY! Major bonus points for you! Most people have never seen it.

Famke Jensen and John Favro are the best�


Ryan said he was going to make a point of seeing it, but then again, he was going to make a point to do a lot of things he will NEVER do...

Ok, I will stop all of this wonder.

He is the one who called and left such a lamo message last night...

He called again today to tell me that he wants to see me tonight, but I'm not waiting up for him to call....

Besides, I don't want to see anyone.

I was at work when all of a sudden my bottom lip swelled up like a balloon.

I now look like Jay Z. I have a huge lower lip...

Normally my lips are pencil fine, very thin and hardly noticeable.

I walked in from work and my mom asked me, "So when did you have collagen injections?"


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