- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Apr. 14, 2003
1:06 P.M.

Ok Shaggy,

I know I haven't included you very often within the text but don't think I have forgotten about you. To ensure I will never forget you, your letter is not carved in stone...no, not really, but close. Your letter is posted on my site.... Happy?

You make me smile.....

So, Shaggy writes...

"I haven�t talked to you in awhile and I thought I�d try dropping you a line. I have been reading your diary lately. That�s why it�s there right? Sometimes I feel like I shouldn�t be reading it. I suppose the whole thing is a little voyeuristic, but I enjoy checking up on your thoughts from time to time. You are a clever girl. I have a lot of respect for you. I have always been attracted and intimidated by you, but in reading your writing, I am awed in a completely new way. It is uncommon for a breathtaking figure like yours to have such an intellectually witty disposition. I am almost completely single now and I swear, If I was not so aware of how common a proposition it was, I would ask you out. I tried to see if I could find a page written about me in your diary. I didn�t even register on your Richter Scale. All in all though, I am glad that we email from time to time and perhaps you could consider seeking my comfort when one of your men turns out to be an asshole. I am not really good at being friends with girls, but I am so intimidated by you that my advances should remain at bay. Probably all that I�ll be able to muster is a lavish compliment or two and I know that you could withstand that."

Well, I am very good at keeping guy "friends".

it's about one of the only things I've been good at.

I remember the first time I met him. I was at Insomnia and he was all kinds of giddy!

He so strongly resembled Shaggy from Scooby Doo, so since then, I have called him Shaggy...

He's great. There is no way you could be in the same room with this guy and not laugh your ass off....

Ok, I will prove my point.

Just try this on for size, and if you don't crack a smile....


well then you don't.

But I think he's fabulous!

He once told me he wrote this about me, but I'm sure he tells that to all the girls...

No matter, it made me smile....


The substance of silly

is simple indeed.

A mix of fruit

with a whole lot of speed.

A bucket of giggle

and a pound of raw meat

a fart a burp

and the stench of old feet.

The way that you look

when your mind is at ease,

or the way that you smile

and the whole world sees.

...The substance of silly is simple indeed.

By: JW. (Shaggy)

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