- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003
7:05 P.M.


I saw Carl for almost the first time in a whole year!

It was so great to see him! He looks exactly the same as he did the last time I saw him, but when I finally noticed he was standing right in front of me, I swear that I almost jumped right out of my skin!

We danced, we drank, and we were damn Merry!

JBV and Lisa were great too! I think JBV only actually danced to two songs, but at least he danced�.

Today was the BEST day!

For real.

There were a few times where I noticed that Gemini actually noticed me.

He would cast a look in my direction, and a few stares, and it felt so great.

Finally just before I left to come home this guy Matt stopped me. I�ve seen him time and time again in the club scene. Amy pointed him out one night at Storman�s and said that he was a total hottie.. I've seen him all over the place actually. I'm pretty sure that we have some of the same aquaintances. I'm surprised I hadn't met him sooner. He seems like a really nice guy....

Ok, He�s cute, but his feet are kinda funky. Both he and his friend were attractive, but their feet were less than perfect� I think his friends name was Scott.

Scott, well he reminded me of Joey in a way. I think it was his voice. I think him and Joey had the same voice, and it was kinda a turn on.

I haven't seen Joey in ages, I wonder what he's up to....

But back to the feet thing...

Why was I looking at his feet?

I�m an idiot.. ha ha

So let me finish..�

So Matt and his buddy say that they want to take me out. I agreed to go out sometime....

Hell, I�m not worried about it. He WON�T call, I don't think I'm honestly his type.

I heard the two of them ragging on some girls, and I couldn't find what they were saying the least bit funny....

I don't go out to make fun of people, hell, most the time other people are probably making fun of me, but I don't really care anymore....

It was nice to meet new people, and I'm still shocked when I look back at the whole day.....

I don�t expect Matt to call�..But I still had a great time.

We talked for a bit and he answered his phone. He said that his friend was lost and he couldn�t find them. He told his friend where we were standing and looked around like he was lost himself.

As Matt hung up the phone he mentioned that he came with Gemini and that Gemini was looking for him.

I was talking to Matt and stopped dead in my sentence when Gemini came up to touch my tummy.

Damn, that was nice.

He admired my tummy!

There were a million and one other girls there who looked a hell of a lot better. Hell, there were models on every bar stool, and the last time I had checked I�m nothing close to model standards�

I�m just Kelly�

I couldn�t help but smile when he touched my tummy. Hell I felt some kinda electricity running through my body as he ran his fingers across my stomach.

My hair stood on end.

And as soon as it all started he was gone�.

Wow, he noticed my flat tummy.

I hope he didn�t stare too long or he would notice my flat chest to match the tummy.

It was funny, after he walked away I thought for a moment.

He�s not that cute.

I actually thought deeper and compared him to Kitty. Kitty is much hotter on most occasions than that man. I think the only difference is that I like Gemini�s musical taste, and the way he spins much better.

Ok, Ok, If Gemini were to mention that he loves Pink Floyd I would have to bust his balls just as hard, but for now he is just a fantasy. He�s just that guy that I dream about on occasion. I still haven�t come to understand why I dream about him, but hell, it�s always nice�

I wasn't impresed by Gemini's choice of outfits. He was wearing these basketball shorts that did not look the least bit flattering...

What was he thinking... Who cares... He's just a fantasy...

And now, I still think. Pondering in deep thought, I wonder what Kitty is really up to. He got a new car and he�s been busy working�

I�ve still got a buzz and I shouldn�t venture out anywhere�

I�ll probably just go to bed early tonight�

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