- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003
10:50 P.M.

I finally got to watch Steve's beauty pageant.

JBV taped the whole thing. He was on "The Other Half" and he got 2nd place in some corny pageant.

I saw him walk on stage and I busted out laughing, he was so nervous and he tried to be so smooth. It was cute.

JBV had a whole crew of people over tonight. Shelly, Chad, Lisa and I all sat around with him watching the Thursday night line up eating pizza. There was one part I blushed while watching scrubs. I could swear that I had the same kind of sex dream last night. The same dream that the one guy had on the show.

I had a dream I was a nurse and I was taking care of this guy. I think I was even wearing the same kinky little nurses outfit. It was great.... but then again, it was just a dream...

After the Thursday night line up, JBV brought out some old yearbooks so I could see what Ryan looked like in high school. He has ALWAYS been such a cutie.

It just so turned out that Ryan was on the same page as a guy I dated junior year. He was the dork of two twins and he looked so innocent in all of his pictures....

I remember my yearbook pics and I was such a dork! What am I saying? I AM A DORK!

I took a little time to look through the pages of the countryside yearbook and noticed so many familiar faces. I wonder what they are all up to these days?

Anyways, it doesn't matter.

I'm kinda bummed though.

Ryan STILL has NOT called.

I called Jen earlier and we got to talking about him. I can't recall why him and I stopped talking. I really wish he'd call already...

I'm tired of waiting.

Tomorrow Jen and I have plans to head to the bar in hopes to have a great time....and then maybe see him.

Ok, that second part is my agenda. I'm sure Jen could care less about seeing Ryan..

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