- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Jan. 06, 2003
6:10 P.M.

I found that no matter how hard I try, my paths still cross with the people that I despise.

My list of people that I despise is actually quite short...

But today, I was sifting through the R�sum�s of girls applying to be my new assistant and I ran across 2! Count them, 2! Girls that I despise.

I hate these girls so much that I would not spit on them if they were on fire!

Hate is such a strong word, and I don't like to use it, but they are scum.

Nasty raunchy gutter SCUM!

I looked at their resume' and wanted to laugh. There is no way that they have bettered themselves as much as their resume' says they have.

There aren't enough hours in the day to clean up their nasty shit. The last I heard, one of them was still dealing drugs....She's probably still sleeping with anything that has a pulse....

Anyways, I read one resume and it said that this skank had gone to college to achieve a degree in business.

If I have been so busy doing the "honest" thing with my life, how the hell did she manage to move ahead of me in school.

It made me realize that I REALLY NEED to go back to school. Even if only to prove that not only would I be her supervisor if she applied for a job with me, I would be a hell of a lot more skilled and I would have the papers to prove it.

I know for a fact I will always be more intelligent than that freak of nature, but it's still so hard to believe she actually continued her education.

She didn't even graduate high school.....

She only showed up at lunch to sell drugs.

I wonder if you can go to jail for lying on your resume'? It wouldn't be the first time that no talent ass clown was in jail, and I'm sure it wouldn't be her last....


The day dragged on and on and on and on.... I interviewed the perfect candidate for the job today, she starts tomorrow morning....

My boss called to let me know that I have to come in a half hour early in the morning, and I'm fine with it, as long as I can leave on time. I didn't get done at Fed Ex today until 5:45. I'm beat, and starving, so I'm off to get some grub...

I figure when all that is finished, I'm going to take a shower, and sit down and read the new novel that Joey recommended. It's by Anne Rice....I've never read any of her books before, but everyone who has told me about the book has almost guaranteed that I'd enjoy it....

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