- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Dec. 29, 2002
3:29 A.M.

Tonight It was so cold that you could see steam rising from all of the gutters....The air was dirty and nasty as you drove by each storm drain....

Chrissy called while I was babysitting, and she said that we would meet up with this hot guy and his friend at Prana.

She tried to convince me to go to some after hours, but yet again, That's not my bag baby...

I met her at some guys house. When I first pulled up some girl chewed me out for getting too close to her damn parking spot.

Later tonight, she ended up being pretty cool...

I met some of her other friends, including this guy Jeremy. He was such a sweetie...Too bad he's not into girls...

Well at about midnight we finally met up with this guy that she told me about. He WAS hot. I guess there is a first time for everything, because in the past when she describes guys as being hot, they are usually hood rats, or gutter punks...in other words, VERY rough along the edges...but they're nice guys I guess..I never took the time to get to know them because they are usually all fucked up...

But this guy. He had style, a perfect smile and he was just damn amazing...He had a smell that just shouted, "hey, I'm really a nice guy, can I buy you a drink"...

Then he actually asked, and I had a drink for shits and giggles...

We all danced for a while, the club was hoppin! I think it's the best club I have been to in a very long time. I gotta tell Amy about it. I think she would absolutely LOVE it.

So many hot guys, perfect music, and soooo much more...

Some older guy came up to tell me that I had great eyes... I was kinda a bitch by saying, "what the hell can you see in here anyway, it's too damn dark. Get over it."

As I went to walk off he said, "No really, I'm not trying to pick you up, but you have wonderful eyes..."

I just shrugged it off and went to dance by myself.

I am soooo not into guys rubbing all on me when I'm dancing..

at about 2:20 I told Chrissy I was leaving. She said she was going to stay with camelle and his friend, but she walked me to my car. It takes forever for that girl to get together just enough to walk outside... I get so annoyed with that. I'd much rather go with someone who doesn't want to stay out until the sun officially rises..

I'm telling Amy I'll take her next weekend and pay her way in. SHe'd love it!

As we were walking out I stepped out onto the first floor from the stairwell and noticed..... Mr. DJ Gemini was working the turn tables...damn, there is definately something sexy about that man.

I remember trying to talk to him at that Christmas party, but he didn't care too much to take a 2nd look in my direction... Oh well...

Tonight when I walked by, he noticed and looked at me like, "I think I know that girl..."

Too bad he never tried to talk to me...

Well I am finally off to bed for the night. I had a wonderful time and I can't wait to go back with Amy....

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