- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2002
3:52 P.M.

I could not sleep like I had planned....I heard the dog chewing on her squeaky toy.....squeak, squeak, squeak!


I pulled the pillow over my head and got so frustrated that I screamed.....

It was a short scream because shortly after the scream came a gasp, and a choke, because my throat is all chapped and sore.

I pulled the comforter over my head along with the pillow. It worked for about 30 seconds until I just could not breathe....

Then I heard a rustling at my bedroom door. I locked the door because lately people have been drifting in and out of my room so frequently.....There is no hope in catching a quick nap when my door is slammed shut every 3 min.

The rustling sounded like someone was rubbing sandpaper on the outside of my door.

(In this case of major annoyance I usually just put a pillow over my head and I put a good cd in the sterio for a while until I fall asleep...

I rolled over and put another pillow over my head....but I'm just about over all of the music in my cd player right now..)

I drifted off for about 20 min and then the phone rang again, and again. Normally it only rings twice but I think the answering machine has taken the day off for Christmas and all....

Everyone has taken the day off....

I awoke to the same repeating squeak, squeak sound I had avoided when I fell asleep. Even after a quick nap I was ready to go take that toy and chop it up into a million and one pieces....

No one would miss it but the dog...

I got up and stormed across my room to the door. I whisked the door open with grace, as a pile of my sister�s junk came crashing into my room.

While I was sleeping she had piled it up in front of my door.

I guess my mom told her to put it all in my room instead of leaving it all sprawled out across the living room floor....

So I dragged in just enough of her crap to get through the doorway to snatch that stupid toy from my dog...

It's now 4pm and I figure the family will be here soon.

I need a shower and some more energy.

I'm so tired...

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