- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002
3:25 A.M.


Tonight Amy and I made it to the Storman's party. It was good times. I saw this chick walk by me, and I grabbed AMy's arm, I said, "Hey That's Chrissy..."

I had to chase her down. Turns out that it was Chrissy! We finally saw eachother. It's been at least 5 years since I've seen her. She was my best friend all through most of my school years.

I met her when I was 8 right after I moved into a new neighborhood. At first she didn't like me at all, she just found me rather annoying, but we became soo close. She was more than family to me. She was the person I could go to to talk about anything. She knew it all.

We were such rebels back in the day.

I look at my life now and realize how much I have conformed to a life that I thought I would never live....

I still wish I could win the lotto.

All nigth I kept looking around. I thought I saw Joey out of the corner of my eye at one point. Maybe that is a sign that I need to see him again.???

Then later in the night I thought I saw Kitty.... I spent a lot of time wondering what my other friends were up to.

I did have a good time tonight. Don't get me wrong.

Met a few new guys, Did not give out my number....


I don't care how cute they are...I'm not giving out my number for a very very long time. Especially not in a club.

I am so tire right now...yet so anxious. I can't wait to talk to Chrissy again. I hope all is well in her life. Near the end of the night we exchanged numbers and I told her I would call tomorrow...

Well, I'm off to bed, without a snack. My stomack is growling but I'm beat....

I wish I had someone to take care of me...someone to make me something while I relax.

The more and more I see things In life the more and more I want to give up on the stupid dating...

part of me just wants to settle down...

Well, I'm off to bed....

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