- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

5:53 p.m.


I woke up early this morning.... I was in a daze... I stumbled into the shower and purposely took an ice cold shower. It didn't wake me from my zombie like state.

I sat at my desk trying to wake up, reading advertisements for Kmart, Best Buy, and Circuit City. I found a bunch of music that I want to buy and a DVD set for "My So Called Life." It was my favorite TV show in high school.

I sat there thinking about the things that I don't have. It really made me want to crawl back into bed. I can't believe that I'm going to miss the Tonic show. And last night, it sunk in that this is about the 7th time that I have neglected to go out and buy Dave Mathews tickets as soon as they go on sale. I'm going to concequently miss that show too. I would have given my left shoe to see them in concert.... *(When It's this cold outside, giving your left shoe is a big deal!)**

I went to the bagel shop for breakfast and told the owners of the good news. They like to keep up on my life like a juicy episode of "The Young and The Restless".

I went on to say, "I have a job interview this morning and if all goes well I will get out of there by 5:00 pm tonight"

She said, "Congrats Kelly, I'm glad to see that you are going back to the office job scene. You didn't look happy as a waitress. It was fake...."

I took my bagel and headed to the interview.

He asked me a bunch of questions, and I kept asking myself, "where is this going?"

Then he started describing the things I would be doing if I worked for him. Most of it seems very challenging. I can't say that I will get bored. I will get to work with page maker, and Design stuff. I'll be doing a little key booklet that each guest gets when they check into a hotel. The booklet includes advertisements for local businesses. It lets hotel guests know what there is to do around the area of the hotel.

My imagination wondered......

Finally, he said, "when can you start?"


I started at that very moment, 10:45!

First I worked in quick books, and then spent some time on page maker. I can't say that page maker came to me very quickly.

And with quick books.....well, I hate math! Duh...

I started my damn period today.

Trying to learn something new with cramps from hell doesn't usually work out very well but I'm still smiling. I think this is going to work out for the best...

I came home and mom is making stroganoff. I love it! The day just keeps getting better!!

Then, when I logged online. .....

Ryan says, "Hey! If you come see me in Clearwater, I'll make it worth your while..."

Ha, ha....


anyways, I think I'm going to fold the rest of the laundry tonight and maybe rent a movie.

I am so happy to have a job that seems some what stable.

I got an email from Ben today. It was a pleasant surprise. I always light up when I get mail from him....

I think about it. I want a guy like him to live in Florida already....

I find that most of the guys here, "try" to act philosophical, but it turns out that they get most of their philosophy and puzzling riddles from the tv guide....ha, ha...

They wouldn't know something real if It kicked them in the head...

I went to Dorks site today. I would have rather IM'd him and said hello, but I don't know why I didn't IM him.

He had some lamo riddle on his site. I have no clue what it's all aboot. I don't have enough time in the millenium to try to figure it all out...

He probably got it from the Dali Lama daily quotations page?. Or maybe even Renee Descartes.....

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