- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

9:25 a.m.


I really do wish I Could win the lotto. Instead, I'm going to go work for Amy today. I don't know what she wants me to help her with. Probably cleaning out junk and organizing things again.

That is what I get to do with the rest of my day.....

I had so many strange dreams last night. The first one I remember, I think I was famous. People were chasing me. Trying to get a piece of me. I was in a big city. It was snowing. I tasted the snow and woke up. I still remember the smell of snow. I haven't seen it since I was 3.

I can't believe it's winter already. Florida winters aren't that bad. I never see snow.

Long after I woke up I stayed in bed. I lay there thinking about my dreams. Wishing I had more of something. Thinking of endless money, admiration, or a prince charming to wake up to.

I know that things change every day, and each day I'm either running closer or further away from "Prince Charming". I just need to figure out where I'm running.

In the last dream I had before I woke up I was with Chrissy. She was a jewel thief of some kind. I remember wearing the same winter clothing. Boots, A cape with a hood, gloves and a really cool outfite. I was dressed in very expensive clothing. I remember feeling very comfortable even though it was freezing outside. Chrissy ended up selling a necklace that she stole, for a lot of money. I remember seeing the check, and wishing I had money. For some reason Mikes friend was there. He was worried about me for being with Chrissy. I remember kissing him good bye before I got into the car saying I would be right back. He was crying and wouldn't let go of the sleeve of my cape. Chrissy pulled me away and took me to the airport to go home. and she got on a seperate plane. I saw her plane blow up and I was wondering when mine was going to crash. I sat there thinking of so many things. Wishing that Mike's friend was there. Wishing I had listened to him. I sat in the chair for what seemed like an eternity on the plane, and I got up when we landed. I ran to the front of the plane and Mike's friend was there waiting for me and we were both crying because he saw Chrissy's plane blow up on the news. I guess I was supposed to be on it, but I decided to go home because the job she was supposed to do was easier than expected. It was one of the strangest dreams I have had. It was like a movie plot of some sort. It's funny. I think of Mike's friend and I can't even recall his name. I never bothered to memorize it because I always thought he couldn't stand me. He's always pickin on me. Sure, I think he's a hottie, but I hate when I'm mocked. I'll probably see him tomorrow night. yippi!

I'm sitting here listening to Tori, " I could just pretend that you love me, the night would lose all sense of fear, but why do I need you to love me, if you can't hold, what I hold dear....." I love this song.....

I'm going to get cleaned up to go work for Amy......

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