- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

9:20 a.m.


Last night I had more nightmares.

They were quite strange.

The first dream started off where Missy, Missy's baby, Keith and I decided to take a trip. Missy told a lot of stories about how it was to be married with a daughter. I remember in the dream wishing I were as lucky as she was. Keith was driving and we went over to this island for a while. We stayed for a while...

We were waiting for a cruise ship to arrive and then Missy realized that the boat only picked up passengers from the main land.

Keith took a different bridge over. It was really tall and there were signs stressing that the speedlimit was 25. He was going about 75. He ended up driving off the bridge.

When we drove off the bridge, things went to slow motion. I said something like, this is what it feels like when you know you are going to die in 30 seconds.

We were so high up.

Missy actually had time to get the baby out of her seat and we jumped out of the car. We were actaully able to jump onto the structure of the bridge. Well, we didn't jump. We kida flew. We could fly. That felt really cool. It was more like directed glidding. We didn't actually increase our height in the air. I don't know how to explain it. But it felt so free. We were still very high up.

Then we climbed down the structure.

We were all so thankful to be alive.

Then we realized that the baby was still up at the top of the bridge. We tried to look up to the top to try to find her and we saw people actually jumping off the top of the bridge.

Keith made some comment under his breath, He said that he wished he believed in prayer.

He then decided that he was going to climbe to the top of the bridge and rescue Missy's baby.

I felt like I was waiting at the bottom for an eternity. I saw dead people all around me. People committing suicide from the bridge. I was very uncomfortable. I looked in the water and saw sharks everywhere...

A police officer came over and threatened to arrest Missy if the baby couldn't be saved. I was so angry and bitter towards the cop, and she kept being nice to him. I wanted to beat the hell out of him for threatening her at such a bad time.

Keith finally came down with the baby, and This guy that I met at the beach right before my trip to Canada.

(His name was Scott, and he looked like Ross from friends), scott was still a lifeguard in my dream, and I think I was dating him because he was kinda wierded out when he found me with Missy and another guy. He knew that Missy was married to a guy named Matt.

Scott proposed to me and I said yes because I wanted to feel as good as Missy did.

We all pilled into Scott's jeep and headed somewhere. I don't know where, but that was where I woke up....crying...who knows why?

when I fell back asleep, Amy was there. She had a son. He was such a cute kid. She told me that she was pissed because his dad was getting married. It was Holloween and we were looking for pumpkins. I think she picked me up from the airport before we went to find pumpkins. She dropped me off somewhere and it wasn't my house so I decided to walk home. The streets had steep slopes and there was water with gators everywhere. I remember seeing Mercedes(the bar tender). I think I was in Gainesville. I woke up to the alarm...

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