- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

4:16 a.m.

Rockin Diary~

"Rockin the suburbs, just like Michael Jackson did. Rockin the suburbs, except he was talented!"

Yes! I saw Ben Folds tonight. It was about a 3-hour drive to the show, and it was worth it. I am so dead tired right now. Running on Empty...

Before the show Rick ran into some of his old pals from high school. Drama kids...I was never really accepted into the drama crowd...Although, I was always dramatic, and entertaining to some...Tonight�s encounters made me realize how old I really am. I'm an old fart...while everyone else is anxiously turning 21 I will be turning 24 in a few short months...I'm an OLD FART!!

Ben was great! He played every song I knew, and then some...So now I have figured out that I do not own every album that he has put out, so now I have to do some research to get the other songs. I know he has a new live album, and I'll pick it up this week!

He told stories, he levitated (he told me to say that), He played various instruments, someone threw a cow and some preparation H onto the stage, and he put on a great show!!

I did cry when I heard "luckiest". I don't know why? I wasn't really sad. It's one of my favorite songs... The song is a happy song. I love that song....I listened to it every night after I got home from Colorado...I listened for a few months..I swear that Ben Folds will always remind me of Ben from Colorado. It's a good thing...But that song in particular reminds me of Ben. I remember hearing him singing that song...He was sitting on the couch in his living room...It blew me away. I remember listening to it on the flight home...crying a bit, ok, crying the whole way home and then some. It sucked leaving Kurt, Ben, and Glen behind. I felt like we bonded.

Well I'll surely write more tomorrow, but I need some rest!

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