- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

9:22 p.m.

Ready for Ybor Diary?~

Rock Steady...Get ready!

Not yet...

The beginging of the day....

A guy showed up in a limo. He was my first customer, and one of the best. I had a great day. I guess it may have something to do with the salt. YES, the salt...This was the first day that I didn't spill the salt when I was setting up all the tables. I think there is a superstition somewhere about salt, and bad luck....

I worked a longer shift than usual today. It brought in the bucks though. It was good times...I was first on, and last off....

Paid the credit card minimum for the month and finally bought the NO DOUBT album I've been wanting....Even better! I grabbed another one of Aerosmiths greatest hits albums, this one is the best! It's got all of my favorites! EVEN DREAM ON!!


Now I'm listening to NO DOUBT>...

Listening to "Underneath It All"...

Love this song...

I'm getting ready to go to Ybor with Amy to meet up with Holly. We're not exactly sure what the night holds in store..Amy doesn't want to spend a lot of money, and It's Holly's first real night on the town since she's turned 21.

My sister turns 21 in another week...Lucky...

I'm kinda hoping that I don't run into another X tonight. I just want to have some good times...

I avoided running my trays to my tables after I heard his laugh...My heart sank deep into my stomach today when I thought I heard Jovan's voice comming from the main dinning room at work. It turns out that there is more than one jerk with his exact voice. Ha...

I do not want to see him in Ybor. He is usually drunk when he goes to Ybor, and I have a feeling that he would probably scream in my face over something silly....

I haven't heard from him in a very long time, so I figure he's pretty pissed about something...

We were good at that.

When we get pissed at each other, we just stop talking....for a very, very long time...I think this is the longest gap in communication we have had, and it's starting to suck....Why do I care?

He's just another asshole anyway...Why do I miss him?

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