- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

12:41 p.m.

exhausted diary~

I slept through the night, just to wake up this morning to burry my head in the classified section of the paper....

There are not too many jobs that don't suck.

I'm going to turn in the applications for the resteraunts that I don't want to work in today.

If I don't get a job today, I'll call on the jobs in the classified section.

I found one classified ad that said they were looking for someone who loves music. Could that be me? I'll bet it's just an ad for a telemarketing company....

I answered an add that told me I would make fat cash, it turned out that the company was a telemarketing company trying to get people to switch long distance companies...I lasted at that job for maybe 35 min.

I swear, the classifieds are filled with jobs that require you to spend too much time on the telephone....

I remember acting on a classified ad that offered $800.00 a week. It turned out to be a job that required me to sell knives DOOR TO DOOR! Yeah, right! I don't think so. I can just see it now. I ring the bell!

Ding, Dong! Ding, Dong!

"Hi Mr. Serial killer, I'm Kelly, I'm sure you've had a long day so I brought you some toys!"

Or not....

I saw a Visa commercial where a guy was asking all these people what their worst job was. One guy actually said, selling doors, door to door! Ha, that would suck. I don't want anything to do with door to door sales.

So at least I have narrowed it down to the things that I won't do. I won't sell door to door, I won't call people I don't know to try to sell them something I don't believe in...hell, I won't call anyone to sell something I DO believe in. It's a waste of time...

I'll just avoid the phones and door bells, thank you!

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