- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

12:39 a.m.

Dear risky Diary,

The bets are in...Is it too late to call the bets off?...,

Ha, ha...No there were no bets tonight. My friend Al called up to see what I was doing tonight and when I told him I was going to meet up with a guy,(who could be a serial killer?...ha, ha...just kidding) A guy that I met online...Al told me that he was willing to bet that the guy wouldn't make it through dinner. No one can handle the wrath of Kelly! He went on to say that once we sat down to dinner I would plan my escape route....once dinner was over I would get up and disappear for evahhhhhhh....... like I usually do with most guys. Ok, so I don't have a good track record for spending time with guys after the first date, kiss, intimate moment...so what? Most guys just don't do it for me. Maybe It's a fear of intimacy?.Maybe it's more a fear of bull shit. Fear of the bull shit that most guys bring into what they like to call a relationship... I told Al, that this guy could be different. He may not be a total loser like most of the guys I have met in Florida. His screen name portrays him as a "wounded fish", or a "wounded haircut"...I'm not sure exactly what it all means, but I went to meet him anyway.

I told Heidi about it, and I think she thinks I'm nutts! She said that I have enough guys to worry about without meeting more of them online. SO I WILL CALL IT QUITS! I won't go meeting more men online. I'll try to be nicer to guys for a while...And I can't say that I'm truthfully dating any of the other guys that were into me anyways....

When I spoke with Eric earlier he told me that he was in a lot of pain because he had his nipples pierced. I knew he would be extra sensative, so I tried to think of something to do that was low key.

We met at Chili's my very least favorite resteraunt in the whole world, next to Don Pablos and Buddy Freddies.

He called me on the phone when he made it to Chili's, when we first met I noticed the unique tattoo on his inner arm. It was interesting. He was definately as cute in person as he is in all of his pics.

After we met up he cashed his paycheck at PUBLIX. There were a lot of cops out tonight. The streets were covered with police. We drove around for quite a while..we drove through Bellair..past Hulk Hogans' house and then by John Travoltas'. Eric has heard about them, but he had no clue so many famous people lived down here...ha, ha..

We then headed to madera beach. A quiet desolate place hidden in the middle of no where (THE EXACT PLACE YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE SOMEONE YOU MET ONLINE!! But I was so pissed at my mom when I left my house to meet him that I was actually welcoming a threat, I wanted to kick the shit out of someone).

He turned out to be a good guy...

We walked, layed in the sand for a few hours, and talked about a whole lot of nothing. I was nervous, I don't know why, but I was nervous. I hate meeting people for the first time. I had butterflies.. He was adorable. I told him I'm a prude, but I don't think he believes me. I'm sure I don't move as fast as he would like... so we kissed and wrestled a bit(his facial hair just about sand papered my face into oblivion) Then he tried grabbing..and I got more sandy when I evaded a few groaps here and there, I was a little uncomfortable but it didn't keep me from thinking about how much I'd like to see him again.

He has to work a double tomorrow, so I figure he should definately get home early. .....

and then I rushed right home to take a shower to get all the sand out of my hair and off my skin....and now I'm off to watch water boil! I'm getting ready to fix some food!

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