- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

11:15 p.m.

~Seductive Diary~

Lauren and I got on the phone again. The subject turned to sex while she was online reading an article on a website for men. This site claims to know exactly what woman want. We were laughing our ass off. Who ever wrote for that site is misleading men everywhere...

This tells men how to find Mrs. Right,

"watch how she looks at the flatware.

If she begins searching for the gold trim around the edges, you're in trouble".....

I just want to scream, "No boys, this does not mean that she is materialistic, she just may be extremely bored by your conversation!" I remember being at a nice Italian resteraunt in Hyde park. There was nothing Cheap on the menu. I kept flicking my wine glass, not to see if it was real chrystal. I WAS BORED!

This article goes on to state, "if she checks to see if the glasses are made of the finest Austrian crystal. If she starts flicking the life out of it, hoping to hear that "kling" sound, you've got a prima donna on your hands", yeah, right! I don't think so...

Ok, here is the kicker! "Did she or did she not offer to pay the bill? In a time when equality among the sexes is the norm, do not, under any circumstances, let her just sit there with her arms folded and assume that you "got it covered." The '50s are long gone, and as men, we do not take care of the bill because we have to, we do it because we want to."

Ok, right there, that last comment. I am misleading every single man I have been with. I don't sit back and expect any man to pay for anything. I can take care of myself thank you very much! BUt I am not going to just lay down and be everyones Mrs. Right all the time......

We went on to chat about the article instructing men on what to do after sex. Instructions on how to appreciate post orgasm....c'mon! If they need to know this, they probably shouldn't have sex in the first place.....

Ok, now that I've hung up with Lauren, I'm bored again....

I am sitting here watching the Sunday Night Sex Show. There is this woman on tv. She looks older than my grandma. She's got to be at least 90 years old.

She is giving some guy advice on how to spice up his sex life. She suggests hide and go seek in the dark.

I love that game! Or a close relative to that game, HIDE AND GO SEEK WITH A BLIND FOLD. That is usually only fun in a very small house or appartment. If I'm in a large house, I will define boundary zones...I tried playing in a huge house once. That really sucked. The game was over quickly because John fell down the stairs. We were playing in his house. Silly Boy. I never called him after that, because I felt really bad for injuring him...

Ok, granny is moving on to her next caller..

oh this is boring.....

Sex and the City is much more entertaining....

I've got 2nd and 3rd season on DVD. I love that show.

I am so bored....and sleepy again.

I'm so tired that my whole body aches....

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