- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Jul. 24, 2006
5:09 P.M.

I had the time of my life this weekend, purely by chance.
I ran into a slight dilemma though Saturday night at the club. I had been checking out this guy all night and he was with his group of friends. I had smiled at him a few times and we exchanged looks. I figured he wasn't interested in me.
As I had been checking out the cute guy, I had been unexpectedly approached by a strange guy who was starved for attention. He told me I had dropped some money and I looked down at my feet to find money just lying there. I told the strange guy that it wasn't mine and he kept insisting that I pick it up. Much to my surprise, one of the hot guys' friends walked up to me and offered to pick up the money for me so I didn't have to bend over. This gesture totally foiled the creep�s crazy plan. I watched disappointment watch over the strange guys face as I walked away.
The guy who saved me introduced and right now I can even recall his name. I do remember that he's with a group from out of town and a film student and he wants to make movies some day. He introduced me to his group of friends. As we were going through all the introductions I noticed that the hottie walked away.
I thought, "Maybe he's not friends with this guy?"
A few moments later the hottie returned and introduced himself as Kevin. We got to talking and really hit it off. I couldn't wait for a slow dance so I could drag him out to the dance floor.
The film guy followed me around like a lost puppy and attempted to dance with me during the faster songs.
When a slow song finally came on I dragged Kevin out to the dance floor. I was totally gleaming ear to ear. His film buddy saw the expression on my face and went to go pout at the bar.
I told Kevin to call me and he suggested that it might not be a good idea given his friend was totally into me and had been trying to think of a way to talk to me ever since I walked through the door.
I didn't hold back when I told him, "But I'm into YOU."
I shocked myself as I caught the words leaving my lips. He smiled and the song ended. We walked off the dance floor and I made my way to the bathroom. As I was walking away Kevin grabbed my arm and motioned me over to the direction of his film buddy. I danced with the guy but thought about Kevin the entire time. I kept thinking, "This is wrong. This is all wrong."
Once the song was over the lights came on and the club was closing. Everything seemed to happen so quickly.
I looked at my watch and noticed I had been there for 4 hours, and it seemed like only minutes.
I tried to give my number to Kevin one last time after he mentioned meeting up at the beach on Sunday, and he passed it on to the film guy out of respect for his feelings.
He must be a really great pal.
Now it�s Monday.
NONE of the guys called me. They probably think I'm a total jerk, but I didn't want to lead the guy on. It's just not right.
They are in town for another 4 weeks but with my luck I will never see or hear from them again.

Sunday I did make it to the beach. I had a great time after I met even more random strangers.
These random meetings are so new to me. I've never had so many people be so nice to me.
I wonder what has changed?

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