- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, May. 27, 2006
4:59 P.M.

Thinking back I had to make a lot of adjustments just to make room for someone else in my life. I was working full-time, going to school, and had a killer social life.
Back then, I had no intentions of settling down!
Then fate brought a mysterious stranger into my life! It was easy to make room for this guy because we had so much in common. It seemed that when I would go home after we hung out, all I could think about was our night together, or the next time I would see him.
As quickly as I made room for him in my life, he always seemed tripped up on something big but never felt fit to discuss it with me. The strange distance caused us to part ways.

A lot of time has since passed. I have dated other men. I have been on countless dates over the years and probably 'sprained my heart' at least twice.

Since he left, There have been countless times I honestly thought I found something else to settle down for.

Now, I�m single AGAIN.
I have recently adapted to my old lifestyle and started living again. I have the will to seize the night!

I haven�t had to think about this for a long time, but just recently when my mystery man contacted me again I couldn�t help but try to recall why we didn�t work out the first time.

I see him every now and then, and I�m more comfortable around him than I was before. The strange distance that was once there between us is now gone and something is still holding me back.

I can�t help but still think about the phrase he murmured one night when we were watching movies together. He said, �Everything before I love you, just doesn�t count.�

It came up again.

He said it! And then he said something he had never said before. He said, "I Love You", and I ran for the hills.

I can't help but get hung up on the possibility that his sudden desire for me, isn�t the same kind of desire I had for him.

This instance has been a chance for a good friend of mine to pull me aside and say, �be careful kiddo! You�re walking on thin ice.�

I truly believe it.

I try not to spend too much time with him, which puts me in a position where I�m always on the move. I�m exhausted.
I mean, I�ve never been crazy about accessorizing, but recently I find I have to tread softly and carry a big purse. I get nervous about staying �too long� or becoming more attached.

My mind has been in a daze lately. I can�t help it.
I wonder f I would even know what to do, if given the chance to hook up with a man.

What�s worse, is that I find myself thinking about a different guy that I had met out dancing one night. The last time we talked he seemed hooked on his ex and that prevented us from getting serious. He was truly a great friend!

We had a great time when we were together and then suddenly, he fell off the face of the earth.

I can�t help but wonder what he�s been up to. We really seemed to click and hit it off in the beginning. He made me comfortable in my own skin, and I felt more like �myself� than I have felt in a long time. I laughed more in the short time we spent together than I have since he�s been gone.

I secretly wonder if he found someone else to take the salsa dancing lessons he had once proposed. Thinking back�.
The offer was on the table, and quickly I accepted, and then suddenly�..
He was reciting the, �I�m not over my ex speech.�

I would like to say that I�ve evolved past having feelings for silly men but, I guess I can�t blame him for being hung up because it�s his optimism that attracted me to him from the beginning.

It feels so awkward for me to pick up the phone and call him but right now it would be great to see him again. His presence was so strong that nothing else in my life seemed to matter when he was around.

If he were here, it would take the pressure and attention away from this mystery guy who all of a sudden made time for me in his busy schedule.
I�m so confused.

Maybe I�m just blind? Maybe mystery man is the one I should be hung up on?

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