- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Mar. 17, 2005
8:55 A.M.

Moo spent a couple of days at the apartment and now she�s back up in NYC again working on her new home. She says that her roomie is going to retreat and go back to living with mom and dad and now Moo has the blunt of the bills to pay on her own.
That has got to totally suck.
These past few days for me have not been kind.
Uncle Clint had emergency triple bypass surgery and hasn�t made it out of critical condition yet.
I haven�t been able to locate a place to move in time to give my notice at the apartment so I may have to stay another couple of months and suck it up. My rent will increase dramatically and I probably won�t have any money to go out with friends anymore for a long time.
I found out that even with the deductions, I still owe the IRS $2,500 out of my pocket.
Damn those 1099�s!
My sister wants me to invest in a bridesmaid dress for her wedding in 2006. I was totally okay with it until her insecurities were announced at dinner the other night. My mom stated that my sister didn�t want anything flattering. In fact she would much rather make my ass look fatter and my chest look flatter.
It�s her wedding.
If she�s so hell-bent on making me feel like shit, just to make herself feel better she can have her �big day� all to herself.
She doesn�t call me more than twice a year anyway, and if she does call it�s usually because she can�t get a hold of mom, or she needs something.
I�ve tried to work things out with her but she�s off on her own planet.
As for me, I don�t see marriage in the new future.
I can�t even work out the immediate details with Kitty.
He just doesn�t seem to care. He�s so comfortable in his own delusions of reality that he doesn�t even communicate anymore.
I�m so frustrated right now.
I feel like my world is crashing in around me.
I�m so uncertain about these next few months and it�s eating me up inside.
I don�t know where I�ll get the funds to pay off the IRS, for spending money in London, to get my car fixed, or put money down for the new house.
Maybe I should just stay in this apartment?

I need something good.

In other news....

40 days of no star bucks ends one week from this Sunday!

I've done well so far and haven't given in to the temptation of coffee in my daily routine.

It's also St. Patty's Day.

I'd go out for green beer, but everyone else seems to busy.

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